Banana Pudding
Simple banana pudding with nutrient value
1. Whisk together in sauce pan:
3 eggs
1 ripe banana
2 cups any milk or cream (cow, goat, almond, oat, etc)
1 tbsp flour or starch
Heaping tablespoon of grass-fed butter (or other fat like coconut oil)
1/4 - 1/2 cup honey or maple syrup (amount depends on your tastes. I used just under 1/2 cup honey and it was pretty sweet.)
(You will also need 1 tsp vanilla for later)
2. Whisk on low heat until thickened. Do not cook too fast or you'll end up with sweet banana scrambled eggs. This takes about 10 minutes.
3. Once thickened, add vanilla.
4. Chill and enjoy!
I eat with sliced bananas or other fresh fruit or as a trifle with homemade cake that has dried out a little and whipped cream and sour cherries from the prairies.
It makes a great snack to go in little jars. Mmm...